Return Policy
If you are not satisfied with your order and would like a refund or exchange, send us a message by logging in and clicking on the "Chat with Mermaid Dip" button beside your order detail. Select "Returns and Refunds Policy" from the drop-down list and let us know what you need. We will message you back with return or exchange instructions.

Refunds accepted within 15 days

Refunds are accepted within 15 days after you've received the order with personal interest reasons. When we confirm the arrival of the package you returned, we'll refund your payment.

Refunds accepted for damaged or wrong items received within 30 days

Refunds for damaged or wrong items are accepted within 30 days after you've received the order. When we confirm the arrival of the package you returned, we'll refund your payment.

Full Refunds
We offer full refunds for any items that are found to be faulty or damaged due to the fault of MermaidDip. Damage caused by the customer or third party will not receive a refund.

Partial Refunds

We also offer partial refunds for orders that have damaged or missing parts. In such a case, the customer can only get a partial refund.

No Returns & Refunds

We cannot accept a return and refund when products:
(1) sold more than 30 days prior;
(2) mixed or blended, including with other MermaidDip products;
(3) contaminated with extraneous matter;
(4) repackaged or removed from original container;
(5) returned without prior approval and/or a return authorization number issued by MermaidDip;
(6) determined by MermaidDip to be compliant with the order and/or wholesale buyer specification; or
(7) MermaidDip, in its sole discretion, may charge a 20% restocking fee for returned products.

Warranties & Disclaimers warrants that its products conform to the descriptions under which they are sold. shall not be liable for any defect, non-conformity, damage, loss or injury causes by improper handling, storage, misuse, damage, accident, or weather condition after delivery. Except as otherwise stated in this paragraph, disclaims and makes no warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose whatsoever with respect to the goods being sold. There are no implied warranties given.

Delivery, Title, & Loss Risk
Regardless of agreed delivery time, place and manner, Seller reserves the right to select the carrier and routing, and to make delivery in installments without default or breach of any agreement between and buyer or relieving buyer of any obligation to accept and pay for product delivered by installment or by future installment. Buyer shall take title at time order is filled and bear risk of loss after order fulfillment.